The End off the World prediction for May 21st is spreading all over the internet, but it is not what you think it is. The May 21st End of the World prediction only applies to those who will be saved on Judgment Day 2011 in the Rapture. Those who aren’t saved in the May 21 Rapture will suffer a different fate, and an End of the World date 5 months after May 21st.
May 21st Judgement Day is going to be the decisive day when Jesus returns for the Rapture. True believers will be brought to Heaven, and that will be the End of The World for the approximately 3,000,000 people will be saved, according to Harold Camping.
The remaining people on earth that are not saved by Jesus in the May 21 Rapture will be sentenced to 5 months of torment under the rule of Jesus during the End of Days. The End Times will cause anarchy, chaos, disasters, and the end of civilization as we know it. Everyone left on earth will be well aware that Jesus is Lord, but savior will not be an option after May 21 Doomsday.
Harold Camping helps us determine that October 21, 2011 will be the actual date of the End of the World. The End Times will be very trying for the lost souls, as the End of The World approaches.
How will you be looked at on Judgement Day 2011? Will you be saved by Jesus in the Rapture, or left behind to experience the End Times after Doomsday. When will the End of the World be for you? May 21st, or October 21st, 2011?
May 21 Judgement Day is now less than a week away, and the Second coming of Jesus is coming soon. There are so many different terms that have been used in reference to May 21st being Judgement Day, and we’re here to help you differentiate between them. End Times, Tribulation, Judgement Day, Doomsday, The Rapture – are all terms that you have probably heard, but not had a firm grip on, until now…
What are the End Times?
The definition of the End Times depends on one main thing. Do you, or do you not believe in Jesus? If you believe in Jesus Christ and the power of God, you are currently experiencing your End Times. May 21st 2011 is just a couple days away, and on this day you will be saved. Even if you do not believe that May 21st is Judgement day, you will be saved by Jesus in the Rapture for your faith.
If you think that all this religious craziness is just a another joke, then you will not be saved in the Rapture on May 21st Doomsday. You will be left behind by God, only to be teased with the glorious presence of Jesus for 5 months until the End of the World. It is still possible to find Jesus in your life. Go, read and study the Bible for the next couple of days – even visit a Church or religious Grandmother! Don’t be left behind on May 21st Doomsday.
Harold Camping has warned that the Rapture would come on May 21st 2011 for years, and end nears, many are left questioning if his Prophecy is fake. The Bible has taught Christians to always be ready for the Second Coming of Jesus at any time, sparking Judgement Day predictions throughout history. Even Harold Camping had a previous prediction of the Return of Jesus for the Rapture that was incorrect due to a mathematical error – when his September 1994 date came and went without incident. What makes him so sure that this year, this date of May 21 2011, will in fact be the date of the Rapture?
1. The number 5 equals “atonement”, the number 10 equals “completeness”, and the number 17 equals “heaven”.
2. Christ hung on the cross on April 1, 33 AD. The time between April 1, 33 AD and April 1, 2011 is 1,978 years.
3. If 1,978 is multiplied by 365.2422 days (the number of days in a solar year), the result is 722,449.
4. The time between April 1 and May 21 is 51 days.
5. 51 + 722,449 = 722,500.
6. (5 × 10 × 17)2 or (atonement × completeness × heaven)2 also equals 722,500.
Thus, Camping concludes that 5 × 10 × 17 is telling us a “story from the time Christ made payment for our sins until we’re completely saved.”
End of the World on May 21st? No!
While God give us the date of May 21st Doomsday in the Bible, that is not the date of the End of the World. May 2011 is just the beginning of Armageddon, and the time when Jesus rules over the Earth. Those who aren’t saved in the May 21 Rapture will be left behind after Doomsday under the rule of Jesus Christ for the final five months until the End of the World in 2011.
The End of the World 2011 isn’t May 21st, but instead it is October 21st. After the 5 months of Torment on Earth during the Apocalypse under the rule of Jesus, God will destroy the world on October 21 2011. Flooding, Famine, Locusts, and large Earthquakes will dominate the End Times, causing mass chaos on earth. The times of the end leading up to the End of the World 2011 will be particularly chaotic as Satan himself attempts to defeat Jesus in the battle of Armageddon. The Book of Revelations has already revealed that Jesus will defeat Satan just before the End of the World 2011.
Is the End of The World May 21st, or October 21st for You?
Have you been saved by Jesus? Do you know, love and accept God in your life? If so, you will be saved in the May 21 Rapture by Jesus. The other side of May 21 Judgement Day is that of Doomsday. Those who aren’t saved by Jesus in the Rapture are are considered “Lost,” and will realize their fate after others are saved, and they are left behind in the May 21st Doomsday.
New people find Jesus every day, and you only have 2 full days remaining until May 21 2011. Please, let God into your heart, be saved in the May 21 Rapture, and be among those saved on Judgement Day 2011.
Are you ready for May 21 Doomsday? The End of the World 2011 is almost here, and your survival is dependent on knowing everything you can about the Rapture, and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Harold Camping has spread the word that May 21st is the date of the Rapture, and he suggests that about 3 million people will be saved by Jesus on Judgement Day. Do you believe in God?
Challenge: Buy a “I Survived Judgement Day 2011″ Shirt
Don’t think the world will end on May 21st? Are you sure that you will survive Judgement Day? Go ahead and shout it out to the world by buying the official “I Survived Judgement Day 2011″ T-Shirt right now!
Prove that you’re Right!
Harold Camping is the man behind the May 21 Judgement Day predictions, and has lead the charge in spreading the word that Jesus will soon Return. Camping is a radio personality with Family Radio from the Oakland area, who has studied the bible with great scrutiny for nearly 50 years, and in recent times discovered the code that May 21 2011 will be the day of the Rapture. He previously predicted that the Rapture would come in September of 1994, but his followers are confident that May 21 2011 is the correct date.
At 89 years old, Harold Camping predicts that 200 million people, about 3% of the total world population will be saved on May 21 2011 in the Rapture. Camping teaches that those not saved in the Rapture will be left behind in the Apocalypse until the End of The World on October 21, 2011.
Global Earthquake, The Greatest Ever on May 21st
The Great Quake as many are referring to it, is the Earthquake that will strike the earth on May 21 2011 at 6 PM. While the earth will shake and devastation will follow just as with other Earthquakes, this one will not be caused by tectonic plates shifting. The Second Coming of Jesus will literally cause an Earthquake so massive that the destruction will be beyond our wildest nightmares. The Global Earthquake will cause a massive tsunami that will destroy most coastlines worldwide, and throw those not saved by Jesus in the Rapture into anarchy. With the lack of stable government, and a quality of life that humans have become accustomed to, humanity will quickly revert back to instinctual behavior for survival purposes. Looting, rioting, and violence will just be the beginning of the End of Days.
Is May 21 Doomsday Fake? No! Harold Camping, Family Radio, and many many other are confirming the fact that May 21st Doomsday is not fake, as we approach Judgement Day 2011. There has been a flurry of media coverage and news articles on the 2011 Rapture, but very few have helped confirmed if it is real for you. Question no more, I have all the answers about May 21 Doomsday!
Your questions about May 21 Judgement Day Answered for Free!
Ok, no more BS – here is the quick and short of what you need to know about the May 21st Judgement Day now. You want to know how we will know when Jesus returns to Earth for the Second Coming and why? Well, quite simply, Jesus will save those who truly believe in God, while shunning those who have ignored his love. These people will be saved on May 21st 2011 in the Rapture, where they are brought to Heaven from Earth in an instant by Jesus himself. Those left behind will suffer the torment of the Apocalypse for 5 long months until the End of the World on October 21, 2011.
With less than a week remaining until May 21 Judgement Day, the world is starting to prepare for the Second Coming of Jesus. As the Rapture nears, word is spreading of the May 21 Doomsday Earthquake predictions, and learning of what will come during the End Times of the Apocalypse. While many question the predictions of Harold Camping, others are warning that Judgement Day is in fact coming on Saturday May 21, 2011.
Major Earthquakes all around the globe have been warning us that the End of the World is coming in 2011, but many have ignored the signs. Earthquakes in the Philippines, Japan, Haiti, and most recently a 6.0 in Costa Rica, are small examples of what we can expect during the May 21 Earthquake during the Rapture.
Global Earthquake on May 21: The Greatest Ever
On Saturday May 21st, the world will experience what Harold Camping has predicted a Global Earthquake to be the Greatest Earthquake ever. Camping’s Prophecy Predictions have been proven incorrect in the past, but he has learned from the mistake he made in 1994, and is confident about the date of May 21 2011. If the earth starts to shake on May 21 Doomsday, how will you react?
What Happens After May 21 Doomsday?
The May 21 Earthquake will come on Judgement Day when Jesus saves all the true believers and brings them to Heaven. Those who truly believe in God, regardless of whether or not they agree that the May 21 Doomsday is real, will be saved in the Second Coming of Jesus. Those who do not believe in Jesus and God will be left behind in the Rapture to experience the End of Days. God will not save any more people during the final five months of Earths Existence before it is destroyed, along with all of humanity, on October 21, 2011. The End of the World is coming. How will you spend eternity?
The author of the above prophesy is demented and confused